Our Core Values
A Global Passion
We want to see people have a life-changing encounter with Jesus and become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Using Our GiftsWe are passionate about giving our staff, volunteers, supporters, and partners opportunities to use their spiritual gifts, passions, experiences, and skills for the kingdom.
Planting ChurchesWe are committed to planting indigenous churches with indigenous leaders that from Day One are (1) mission minded (2) focused on reaching outside their own neighborhood to plant churches and (3) self-supporting (“Day One” churches).
HolinessWe believe living the normal Christian life means having a clean heart, pure hands, and having the power to walk in victory over the sin nature. Holiness comes from surrendering fully to the indwelling and cleansing of the Holy Spirit so that the believer has a pure heart of love for God and others and grows daily in Christian maturity, Christlikeness and practical godliness that results from walking obediently.
Excellence In StewardshipWe are committed to being the very best stewards we can be, by God’s grace, of our time, our finances, our people, and our resources in order to advance the kingdom and bring glory to God.