Turkana Community MinistryThe Turkana are a proud and strong people. They live in a harsh semi-arid area of North Western Kenya. They are historically nomadic, taking the livestock wherever they can find food and access to water. The Turkana Community ministry is involved in Church Planting, using the model of friendship, evangelism, discipleship, and mentoring. They currently have 10 churches:
1. Napak Church, led by pastor Philiph Eripete 2. Moruese Church, led by pastor Simon Tiya 3. Elelea Church, led by pastor James Erukon 4. Kakaalel Church, led by pastor James Munyes 5. Kaemase Church, led by pastor Jackson Emanman 6. Kangalita Church, led by Pastor James Eteleng 7. Locher Esekon, with Peter Naita in training 8. Sopel Church, with Esther Alimlim, who will be trained 9. Nadapal Church, with Esekon, who will be trained 10. Kanaodon Villiage, led by the elders of the Kaemase (5) church Sponsorship for the Turkana people is to help send their young people to high school, college, or university: all of which are not offered within their communities, and so the young people must be sent out to continue their education. Selina and Jacob are currently in college, and Wanjiku is waiting to join university. Elizabeth, Joyce, Gladys, Consilata, Viona, and Bernard are all in high school. If you would like to help them continue their education, it is about $300 a year for high school, and $600 for college.
Kibera Kids with Kenya Mercy MinistriesFor $40 a month (or more) you can help support students at Mamlaka primary school, located in the largest urban slum in Africa: Kibera Kenya. Ninety percent of the money given goes directly into the account of the Mamlaka Foundation and is used to provide for the students at the school, teacher salaries, funding the meal program, emergency medical assistance, and other needs that may arise.
To support Kibera Kids, contact Cindy Neal. Kibera Kids at the Mamlaka primary school is a part of Kenya Mercy Ministries, led by Imbumi and Martha Makuku. You can find out more at their Facebook page. Our Leaders (Click their name for Facebook)