Entrusting Others trains leaders and builds communities in strategic locations. We work in creative ways where others can’t. We focus particularly on training people in local languages and cultures where not many people can read or write. Entrusting Others specializes in accompanying leaders as they help others, while passing on the baton of responsibility. The successful materials and methods we pioneered are being used in more than 40 countries. We are proud partners with World Renewal (since 2008) and TMS Global.
With an exciting and growing outreach like Entrusting Others, there are special (often time sensitive) projects that come up, and we are so grateful for those who step up to meet those needs! If you do not see the specific place you would like to donate listed, or this is something that has suddenly come up, please use this special projects button, and write in the note where it is to be used. This will help us get the resources there as quickly as possible!
TRAINING LEADERSSupporting the Director of Entrusting Others helps hold the whole network together. Guarding indigenous ministry against intrusions created a $25,000 deficit. Your monthly pledges can eliminate that deficit, while special gifts can move our account into the black.
Our Arab training coordinator was a principal in her homeland before war drove her into exile. Now she devotes her teaching skills to preparing the courses she co-teaches with a respected Arab colleague, while she offers support and counsel to the leaders being trained.
Our online leadership training is a big part of our work, requiring secure communications with a managed website in order to protect our users and team members from extremists and government overreach. We use secure mobile devices, recent computers with the latest updates. We continually monitor vulnerabilities. $10,000 will let us add computers and put our videos behind an appropriate security wall.
BUILDING COMMUNITIESIn desert nomadic cultures, anything of value comes on a camel's back. The Nomad leads a community of traders who offer pearls of great price to their people in culturally appropriate ways. The North Highway presently under construction will change nomadic civilization in dramatic ways over the next five years. Our North Highway strategy will aid the northern half of the nation as they adjust to these changes.
Learning to read and write adds dignity to people’s lives. So do work skills and the ability to communicate goodness through relevant stories from one's own culture. Many women's lives have been transformed by learning the skill of cloth-dyeing in combination with their new ability to read, write, and speak with influence and wholesomeness. The project will greatly expand in 2023 and 2024, and therefore needs a vehicle. If we raise $15,000, a donor will match it and also cover operating costs for the vehicle
Entrusting Others works with community leaders to find sustainable solutions for the least among us. For some, buying goats or an ox creates a stream of revenue that permits caregivers to take care of their children. For others, emergency food is needed until sustainable options kick in. Your contribution also supports families torn apart by the legal system, as they are working to be reunited.
The scholarships you support help keep vulnerable young girls out of early marriage, and youth out of exploitative labor.
Investing in the school helps fund the work of the Principal, who leads a growing community that did not exist 15 years ago. Not everyone enjoys the freedoms we do. We assist leaders and their people who have been arrested and must defend themselves in court in countries that do not share the freedoms we enjoy. When our legal experts can exert pressure in the right place to see someone arrested for their beliefs walk free, we give thanks!
STRATEGIC LEADERSOur Broadcasting Coordinator creates winsome internet programs in many African dialects. A training center is in the works to include a media production facility that will fill the program pipeline for the broadcasting network. Follow up workers answer questions from listeners, and channel them into house groups. Strong Face to Face training solidifies and continues the pipeline. The Broadcasting Coordinator and his family need advocates and is developing his monthly support: please contact us if you are interested in partnering with this exciting opportunity.
Mobile phones provide universal access to telecommunications. As never before, our media leader is able to present good news to people in culturally relevant and age appropriate ways. His team works in the major dialects of his country.
Could you imagine having an opportunity to assist people by the thousands in recovering from the wounds of war? John is transforming lives on a grand scale in a place no one else has figured out how to touch. Will you stand with John in his vision?