In 2016, World Renewal began working with the Rangi community in Tanzania, which for decades has suffered prejudice due to extreme poverty. At 97% Muslim and 2% Evangelical Christian, they are considered an unreached people group. Brick by brick, the Mwanzo Mpya Foundation (MMF) was built. Mwanzo Mpya, translated "Genesis," is a Christian non-profit, which seeks to transform the spiritual, social- economic and community lives of poverty-stricken families at Kondoa District in central Tanzania through the Mwanzo Mpya Academy, medical clinic, chapel and farm (a holistic agriculture and poultry keeping program).
Cloud and Dina Roman are leading MMF, and Drew Fitzpatrick is their country Representative. Cloud and Dina are native Tanzanians and believers in Jesus Christ. Cloud is Rangi by tribe from Kondoa – central Tanzania, the tribe which is the ministry’s target people; while Dina is from the Sukuma tribe of Western Tanzania along lake Victoria. They met at a seminary where they both attended in preparation for full time ministry and graduated in 2010, were married July 26, 2011 and have two girls, Nancy and Abby. Cloud has worked with Wycliffe in the past, and is excited to now partner with World Renewal. Immediate NeedsThe Mwanzo Mpya Academy (preschool and Kindergarden) opened in January 2022, and are currently serving 30 children. The immediate need is for $20,000 to finish the third building that still needs a roof. With 4 more classrooms finished in the two buildings that are almost done, they can open for 100 children 1st-7th grade. We need child sponsorship partners who will commit to continuing education costs. Each year the school hopes to add a grade, growing with the students.
Our Leaders
Cloud & Dina Roman
Directors of the Mwanzo Mpya Foundation |
Drew Fitzpatrick
Tanzania Representative in the USA |